Heartfelt thanks and kudos to Todd J. and his helpful crew. The roads to all the claims are now cleared of downfall. Firewood is stacked and the camp sites are clean and tidy. Raised in Mineral County, Todd feels a strong sense of stewardship towards the land and invests his time and energy in maintaining its beauty. Todd has absolutely no tolerance for littering and regularly patrols the claims, running off "claim jumpers" and "trashy" campers who evidence no repect for the majestic forests of the high country.
The drive up Cedar Creek is always breath-taking. Clean mountain air, an abundance of wildlife, a magnificent display of wildflowers and jaw-dropping views. Now, if we could just get the USFA to repair the roads. The road is rough, with deep furrows and pot holes, so a four-wheel drive vehicle is required.
With the price of gold hitting $1762.00 today, we all have a bad case of "gold fever". The hardest part is deciding where to test first. The entire creek is prospector's paradise. Sand and gravel bars, water falls, deep pools and bedrock outcroppings beg to be explored.
Snow remains on the mountain peaks and the streams are running full and fast. We are fortunate to have year-around water with plenty of volume to set-up a sluice box for testing virtually anywhere on all of the claims. Today we focused our activity at the Hard Times No. 1, 2 and 3.
Curt, hard at work removing a large boulder. After digging the stone we ran the loose material through the sluice box. Rewarded by a bit of color and an abundance of black sand, we will continue to excavate this hole to bedrock.