Medical Research On Alkaline Water
Pure, clean, contaminate free water is the cornerstone of optimum health. The human body is composed primarily of water: a regular intake of water is essential to every body function.
The planet is in peril and many of the world’s water sources are polluted. Many public water supplies are loaded with noxious chemicals such as pharmaceutical drugs, fluoride, pesticides and industrial contaminants. 3.2 million people around the world die each year from contaminated water borne disease. Do you know, 780 million people worldwide do not have an uncontaminated source of clean drinking water: that’s 1 out of every 9 people in the world.
Responding to the concerns over local drinking water, many people have developed the unhealthy habit of choosing carbonated sodas, sweet sugary drinks or bottled water instead of plain, pure clear water. This unhealthy practice puts entire cultures at risk.
The biggest source of empty calories consumed in the United States comes from high fructose corn syrup primarily in the form of soda. Dr. Joseph M. Mercola, well known health provider and public health commentator notes, “Americans drink an average of one gallon of soda each week, and this excessive fructose consumption is a driving force behind obesity and chronic degenerative disease in this country.” Dr. Melrose further comments, “The most practical and economical strategy to combat obesity and chronic disease is to replace all sodas and other sweet beverages with pure water.”
Health-conscious consumers ask just which alkaline ionized water method and water treatment products are best for their family source of drinking water. If you are only concerned with removing minerals and contaminants from your home drinking water, there are literally dozens of reputable home filtration systems.
But beyond water filtration, there is also the important issue of pH - alkaline versus acidic water. The education website Water on the Web reports, “Pollutants in water can cause it to have higher algal and plant growth, as a result of increased temperature or excess nutrients, causing pH levels to rise. Although these small changes in pH are not likely to have a direct impact on aquatic life, they greatly influence the availability and solubility of all chemical forms in the lake and may aggravate nutrient problems.
Sited as an example, a change in pH may increase the solubility of phosphorus, making it more available for plant growth and resulting in a greater long-term demand for dissolved oxygen.”
Most aquatic animals and plants have adapted to life in water with a very specific pH, and will die from even slight changes. A pH below 4 or above 10 will kill most fish, and very few animals can tolerate waters with a pH below 3 or above 11.
With living systems being so sensitive to changes in pH, it should come as no surprise that YOU, as another living organism on this planet, would be sensitive to your water’s pH as well.”
Health Benefits Of Alkaline Water
Prevents Bone Loss
Health providers tell us the most impressive clinical proof of the many amazing health benefits of drinking alkaline water is that alkaline water consumption increases calcium uptake, reduces calcium loss and helps maintain bone strength.
Scientific researchers tested the absorption of calcium from both acidic water and alkaline water. The result or the studies were conclusive. “The pH of your water matters. If you want to get calcium from your water, it had better be alkaline.” reports, “Alkaline water in combination with adequate calcium intake showed reduced bone resorption in women. Bone resorption is a natural process the body undergoes as it ages. This process tends to reduce bone density as bone replacement becomes slower. Reduced bone resorption means greater bone density and lower risk of osteoporosis. This was the conclusion of a 2009 study published in the journal, "Bone." The study compared alkaline water to calcium-rich acidic water. The decreased bone resorption that results from drinking the alkaline water increased bone density and bone strength.
Alkaline Water Helps Acid Reflux
Researchers in Japan conducted extensive clinical test on alkaline water consumption by persons suffering from a sour stomach or acid reflux. The results of the study showed that 88 percent of the participants experienced partial or complete relief of their symptoms when adding alkaline water to their diet.
United States testing on alkaline water’s impact on stomach complaints explained why alkaline water offers relief for painful acid reflux symptoms. Alkaline water neutralizes stomach acids and pepsin. Acid reflux pain is triggered by both pepsin and stomach acids. The more alkaline the water, the greater the protective effect on the arteries” advises, “The reason alkaline water is good for your heart is the minerals it contains. You need to get calcium and magnesium every day to protect your heart from the damage that cholesterol can do. In fact, water is actually the best way for you to get calcium and magnesium. Your body absorbs calcium and magnesium 30% faster and easier than it does from food or supplements. Alkaline water helps you get calcium and magnesium even if you have digestive problems. Clinical testing on people who have a hard time absorbing minerals revealed that alkaline water helped them significantly.”
When considering adding an alkaline water system to your home, office or business, it pays to do the research prior to purchase. Choice is dependent on price, production speed and volume. With a bit research it is fairly easy to find the best alkaline water processing system for you and your families needs. provides a helpful set of references about the medical research behind the health benefits of alkaline water.
Research References:
Study on the use of the effectiveness of alkaline water to reduce the symptoms of an upset stomach:
Hirokazu, T. “Clinical evaluation of alkaline ionized water for abdominal complaints: Placebo controlled double blind tests Alkaline Water and Stomach Complaints.” 6th Functional Water Symposium ’99 Tokyo Conference Program/Abstracts Collection. 99 Tokyo Conference Program/Abstracts Collection, pp. 6-7. Web. 3 Jul 2013. <>.
Study on the effectiveness of alkaline water to reduce bone loss in people that get adequate amounts of calcium from their diet:
Wynn, E. “Alkaline mineral water lowers bone reabsorption even in calcium sufficiency: alkaline mineral water and bone metabolism..” . N.p.. Web. 3 Jul 2013. <>.
Study on the effect of mineral water on blood pressure levels of people who do not get enough calcium or magnesium in their diet:
Rylander, R. “Mineral water intake reduces blood pressure among subjects with low urinary magnesium and calcium levels..” . N.p.. Web. 3 Jul 2013. <>.
“The more alkaline the water, the greater the protective effect on human arteries” Came from this study:
“Hard Water and the Heart, the story revisited.” N.p.. Web. 3 Jul 2013. <>.
World Health Organization study on drinking water: Guidelines for drinking water quality, third edition
“World Health Organization study on drinking water: Guidelines for drinking water quality, third edition.” . World Health Organization. Web. 3 Jul 2013. <>.
Additional references on the benefits of drinking pure alkaline water
Millions Lack Safe Water
Water Resource Links
- Water Resource Links Estimated with data from Diarrhea: Why children are still dying and what can be done. UNICEF, WHO 2009
- Estimated with data from WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program(JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation. (2012). Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water, 2012 Update.
- International Telecommunication Union (ITU). (2011). The World in 2011 ICT Facts and Figures
- United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). (2011). State of World Population 2011, People and possibilities in a world of 7 billion
- UN Water. (2008). Tackling a global crisis: International Year of Sanitation 2008
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2006). Human Development Report 2006, Beyond Scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis
- World Health Organization (WHO). (2008). Safer Water, Better Health: Costs, benefits, and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health; Updated Table 1: WSH deaths by region, 2004.