Morrell mushrooms are one of the first things to appear in areas that have been burned by wildfires. With the fires from last summer in Mineral County, Montana there will be an abundance.
I delight in photographing the many mushrooms and fungus I discover in the woods. However, the morrel is the only identification that I trust for myself. I dry morrels and store. They are a wonderful flavor addition to a stew or saluted with garlic and served with elk steak. Yummy!
Cooking With Morrel Mushrooms.
My supply of dried morrels is running low. I am thinking of spring and the morrel harvest. Several readers have inquired about the rules for mushroom picking. Please read the following exerts from the US Forest Service Guide. Happy Hunting!
Continue Reading Mushroom Gathering In The Lolo National Forest
i want to hunt for mushrooms so bad. at least morels. there seems to be such a mystique about it, i need to find a local person that will take me out. i know there are some in our "backyard" because the neighbor that used to live next to us use to hunt for them. good hunting to you.
Posted by: lisa winter | March 02, 2009 at 11:55 AM