Poachers and Claim Jumpers Beware!!
Please be advise that we have evidence of gold poaching and illegal dredging on claims in Oregon Gulch.
Thieves Will Be Prosecuted To The Full Extent Of The Law. All persons authorized to prospect these claims must carry a USFS approved Notice of Intent on their persons. All others will be arrested.
As the price of gold continues to rise, it has reignited a “Wild West” mentality among opportunists, leading to an increase in illegal mining activities, claim jumping, and theft on gold claims, particularly in places like Montana. Historically, during gold rush periods, claim jumping was rampant, and modern-day gold rushes appear to trigger a similar lawless atmosphere.
With gold prices surging, many are tempted to try their luck, but this also brings out thieves and those looking to exploit legitimate mining claims. Mineral trespass, the act of illegally mining or taking minerals from a claim, has become a significant issue, particularly in areas with rich gold deposits. In the U.S., federal and state laws strictly prohibit unauthorized mining on valid claims. In Montana, under both federal laws and the Montana Code Annotated (MCA), claim jumping and mineral trespass can lead to severe penalties.
Penalties for Mineral Trespass in Montana:
• Trespassing on Mining Claims: In Montana, according to the MCA (82-4-305), it is illegal to extract minerals from another person’s claim without permission. Violations can lead to fines, imprisonment, or both. The Montana Department of Environmental Quality enforces many of these regulations.
• Federal Laws: Federally, the General Mining Law of 1872 governs the extraction of valuable minerals on public lands. Unauthorized extraction can be treated as theft, subjecting offenders to both civil and criminal penalties. The severity of the punishment can vary depending on the value of the extracted minerals and the extent of damage to the property or environment.
With more prospectors entering the field, claim owners are advised to take precautions such as:
• Installing surveillance cameras to document any suspicious activities.
• Posting clear signage indicating that the area is a protected mining claim.
• Regularly patrolling the site to deter trespassers.
In some cases, claim owners have taken extreme measures to protect their property, though they are encouraged to report trespassers to law enforcement rather than take the law into their own hands. The old adage of “shooting claim jumpers” may still echo in some minds, but it’s important to follow legal channels.
As gold prices rise, those looking to take advantage of the lucrative market should be aware that the law will not tolerate modern-day claim jumping. The penalties are harsh, and law enforcement, alongside environmental regulators, is increasingly vigilant in protecting these valuable assets/
I am looking for a camp watch person to stay on property during the season. Keep all the gold you find with recreational NOI approved methods. No salary, but you will have a great adventure and if you catch the claim jumpers there is a substantial reward for their successful capture and conviction. .
If you have any information, please contact:
Marlene Affeld